Beer Wisdom From John Ciardi
"There's nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation."
-John Ciardi
May 22 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - May 22 2014
"There's nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation."
-John Ciardi
May 22 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - May 22 2014
"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza."
-Dave Barry
October 22 2013
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - October 22 2013
Buzz and Woody: "Beer, Beer Everywhere"
Rent is Too Damn High Guy: "The Taste Of Hops Is Too Damn Bitter!"
Success Kid: "Went To Random Bar With Friends - Good Beer On Tap"
Most Interesting Man in the World: "I Don't Always Use Soap In My Bathing Regimen, But When I Do, I Prefer Beer Soap"
Bad Luck Brian: "Checks His Watch - Miller Time"
Scumbag Steve: "Brings A Six Pack To Your Party, Drinks A Case"
Boromir: "One Does Not Simply Combine Great Taste With Less Filling"
Condescending Wonka: "You Like Blue Moon, Huh? You Should Start A Craft Brewery"
10 Guy: "Less Great - Tastes Filling"
Angry Walter: "Am I The Only One Around Here Who Doesn't Want His Beer As Cold As The Rockies?"
Skeptical Fry: "Not Sure If Dog Had An Accident - Or Miller Lite"
June 05 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - June 05 2013
Summertime activities don't always merit cracking open an 11% ABV Barleywine or a 13% ABV Russian Imperial Stout. So we have compiled a list of lighter, more easily quaffable craft beers that still offer tons of flavor and will allow you to retain your beer geek status.
April 19 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - April 19 2013
Real, drinkable beer brewed with elephant poo? Yes. More specifically, a stout from Japan's Sankt Gallen Brewery called Un, Kono Kuro, brewed with coffee beans fed to elephants and then "recovered" from their excrement (at which point they are referred to as "black ivory"). Seems like a bit of a stretch, but according to one reviewer, "This is some good s***!"
Seems as though one might be compelled to wash their mouths out with a bit of beer soap after drinking this one...
Would you try it?
March 12 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - March 12 2013
An excellent rip on craft beer geeks, presented by CollegeHumor:
Some highlights:
"Look what he's got his lips all over!"
"How did this happen? You started this night out with that nice little Hefeweizen."
"That beer is a 2, and everyone is watching you drink it!"
"Now I feel like you're hop-blocking me!"
"Just wanna get my mouth wet!"
"Dude, I've been with literally hundreds of beer like that."
"I don't like blondes, they give me headaches!"
February 03 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - February 03 2013
January 15 2013
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - January 15 2013
January 15 2013
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - January 15 2013
December 06 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - December 06 2012
First We Feast recently published an article on the best craft beer in each of the 50 United States. Yes, that's right, one beer per state! A daunting task if you ask us.
The authors acknowledge the list is colored by their personal taste, but it sounds like many simply do not feel represented by the beers that were chosen to represent their state (at least that is the sentiment on Reddit). They'd like to see some consideration of "the people's opinion".
Although there are some great choices, it seems a bit unfair to narrow a state's preferences down to one brewery and one style. Sure, hop heads are going to like Russian River's tastebud-scorchingly bitter Pliny the Elder (brewed in California), but what if some Californians are partial to the refreshing crispness of a lager or the meaty depth of an imperial stout?
Okay so we're happy they took the time to write the piece, because it gives us beer geeks something to talk about - whether positive or negative!
And here's a comprehensive map of the breweries in the US that we sell, followed by a map of the US comprised of popular breweries in each state.