Beer Wisdom from Henry Lawson
"Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer."
-Henry Lawson
May 29 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - May 29 2014
"Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer."
-Henry Lawson
April 30 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - April 30 2014
That's right folks, the previous fastest time for completing a mile run while chugging four beers has been SMASHED! According to, James "The Beast" Nielsen has broken the 5 minute beer mile barrier.
In just 4 minutes and 57 seconds, Nielsen successfully ran 4 laps while simultaneously consuming 4 beers over 5% ABV.
Have you ever attempted such a feat? Would you? We here at Swag Brewery are would like to offer the next record-breaker a Beer Soap 6-Pack - yep, that's an official challenge to beer drinkers worldwide!
April 21 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - April 21 2014
Want some good news? We're giving you another reason to add beer to your daily routine. Since beer is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids, it is an excellent treatment for your skin.
Beer has four completely natural main ingredients, and each of these ingredients has specific skin-healing properties. Here are the benefits of each:
Water: Warm water allows your pores to open, drawing out toxins and stimulating the circulatory system. Also, hydrated skin equals healthy skin.
Malted barley: The alkylpyrazines present in malted barley increase circulation, which can in turn decrease your risk of heart, kidney, and brain ailments later in life. Malted barley is also a good source of minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are essential for maintaining the metabolic processes.
Hops: A natural exfoliant, hops help you keep your skin healthy by sloughing off the dead upper layer. They’ve also been known to help slow the aging process by affecting the body’s production of neopterin and tryptophan.
Yeast: For years, brewer’s yeast has been considered a healing ingredient because it contains loads of B vitamins and saccharides, purify and renew your skin while locking in moisture. Brewer’s yeast is also known to help with skin elasticity and acne by slowing the production of sebum (skin oil) and by killing pimple-causing bacteria.
So what’s the best way to get all of this in one place?
While the easiest method would resemble pouring a pint of beer on yourself in the shower, the most “normal” and probably best-smelling option is using our beer-infused glycerin soaps.
In addition to the ingredients listed above, our beer soaps also contain all-natural ingredients like orange peel, crushed oats, and real hops which impart spicy, fruity, and roasty notes.
Sources: EWG’s Cosmetics Database, Truth In Aging, Livestrong
October 22 2013
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - October 22 2013
Buzz and Woody: "Beer, Beer Everywhere"
Rent is Too Damn High Guy: "The Taste Of Hops Is Too Damn Bitter!"
Success Kid: "Went To Random Bar With Friends - Good Beer On Tap"
Most Interesting Man in the World: "I Don't Always Use Soap In My Bathing Regimen, But When I Do, I Prefer Beer Soap"
Bad Luck Brian: "Checks His Watch - Miller Time"
Scumbag Steve: "Brings A Six Pack To Your Party, Drinks A Case"
Boromir: "One Does Not Simply Combine Great Taste With Less Filling"
Condescending Wonka: "You Like Blue Moon, Huh? You Should Start A Craft Brewery"
10 Guy: "Less Great - Tastes Filling"
Angry Walter: "Am I The Only One Around Here Who Doesn't Want His Beer As Cold As The Rockies?"
Skeptical Fry: "Not Sure If Dog Had An Accident - Or Miller Lite"
August 06 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - August 06 2012
According to a report published by the Brewers Association, the brewing craze is still booming. Some highlights from the report include:
Think about all of those brewers and beer drinkers that will need craft beer shirts and beer soap! Oh, and, check out this nifty graphic: