Beer Wisdom from Henry Lawson
"Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer."
-Henry Lawson
May 29 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - May 29 2014
"Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer."
-Henry Lawson
May 22 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - May 22 2014
"There's nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation."
-John Ciardi
May 22 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - May 22 2014
"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza."
-Dave Barry
April 30 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - April 30 2014
That's right folks, the previous fastest time for completing a mile run while chugging four beers has been SMASHED! According to, James "The Beast" Nielsen has broken the 5 minute beer mile barrier.
In just 4 minutes and 57 seconds, Nielsen successfully ran 4 laps while simultaneously consuming 4 beers over 5% ABV.
Have you ever attempted such a feat? Would you? We here at Swag Brewery are would like to offer the next record-breaker a Beer Soap 6-Pack - yep, that's an official challenge to beer drinkers worldwide!
February 19 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - February 19 2013
January 24 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - January 24 2013
October 30 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - October 30 2012
The BBC recently reported that the folks at Oxford have been having a difficult time decoding a written language called proto-Elamit found on ancient tablets. But the one of the Oxford academics, Dr. Jacob Dahl, seems fairly certain about at least one thing: they drank beer.
Studying the tablets from around 3000BC, academics were able to deduce that some people of this society consumed a diet largely composed of barley. That’s where the story takes a bit of a gloomy turn.
The reference of beer is in relation to the rations given to the lowest class - farm laborers. These workers were treated poorly; called “cattle with names.” They barely received enough food to stay above the starvation level and with what they did receive in rations, they were only able to prepare things like porridge and weak beer.
To pay respect to these workers who dealt with terrible conditions and undernourishment, we encourage you to enjoy a tasty brew this weekend.