Beer Wisdom From John Ciardi
"There's nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation."
-John Ciardi
May 22 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - May 22 2014
"There's nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation."
-John Ciardi
March 12 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - March 12 2013
An excellent rip on craft beer geeks, presented by CollegeHumor:
Some highlights:
"Look what he's got his lips all over!"
"How did this happen? You started this night out with that nice little Hefeweizen."
"That beer is a 2, and everyone is watching you drink it!"
"Now I feel like you're hop-blocking me!"
"Just wanna get my mouth wet!"
"Dude, I've been with literally hundreds of beer like that."
"I don't like blondes, they give me headaches!"
January 15 2013
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - January 15 2013
January 14 2013
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - January 14 2013
The list celebrates those special haunts with less than three locations and one passionate focus: beer. There might be darts and a jukebox or candlelight and a turntable; there might be five beers or 500. But in every spot on our list, you’ll find an excellent brew in your glass and people—staff, owners, barflies—who care about that as much as you do.
October 05 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - October 05 2012
A document that addresses a question that has been eating away at us for decades has recently resurfaced. That question, of course, is,
"Is it okay to drink beer that has been exposed to high levels of radioactivity?"
In short, the answer is yes.
According to a 1957 U.S. government study called "The Effect of Nuclear Explosions on Commercially Packaged Beverages," after being exposed to an actual atomic explosion,
"These beverages could be used as potable water sources for immediate emergency purposes as soon as the storage area is safe to enter after a nuclear explosion."August 27 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - August 27 2012
Ultra-modern furniture, meatballs, and now craft beer! That's the wonderful combination of products you can look forward to enjoying if you live in the UK and shop at IKEA. The furniture-turned beer producer has two new offerings: Öl Ljus Light Lager and Öl Mörk Dark Lager.
If this beer ever makes it to the US, we'd bet our bar tab that plenty of beer geeks would drink it while assembling their Björkudden.