Beer Wisdom From John Ciardi
"There's nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation."
-John Ciardi
May 22 2014
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - May 22 2014
"There's nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation."
-John Ciardi
March 12 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - March 12 2013
An excellent rip on craft beer geeks, presented by CollegeHumor:
Some highlights:
"Look what he's got his lips all over!"
"How did this happen? You started this night out with that nice little Hefeweizen."
"That beer is a 2, and everyone is watching you drink it!"
"Now I feel like you're hop-blocking me!"
"Just wanna get my mouth wet!"
"Dude, I've been with literally hundreds of beer like that."
"I don't like blondes, they give me headaches!"
February 22 2013
Swag Brewery
Written By Swag Brewery - February 22 2013
The Artist and the Bière de Garde style both exemplify romance, art, and French culture. Known for toasted malt flavors, noble hop aromas, and fruity esters, the Bière de Garde is a complex yet balanced beer that will keep your mouth happy during this silent film.
Commercial examples: Ommegang Bière D'Hougoumont, Jolly Pumpkin Oro De Calabaza, Two Brothers Dumaine DuPage, New Belgium Biere De Mars
January 15 2013
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - January 15 2013
December 06 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - December 06 2012
First We Feast recently published an article on the best craft beer in each of the 50 United States. Yes, that's right, one beer per state! A daunting task if you ask us.
The authors acknowledge the list is colored by their personal taste, but it sounds like many simply do not feel represented by the beers that were chosen to represent their state (at least that is the sentiment on Reddit). They'd like to see some consideration of "the people's opinion".
Although there are some great choices, it seems a bit unfair to narrow a state's preferences down to one brewery and one style. Sure, hop heads are going to like Russian River's tastebud-scorchingly bitter Pliny the Elder (brewed in California), but what if some Californians are partial to the refreshing crispness of a lager or the meaty depth of an imperial stout?
Okay so we're happy they took the time to write the piece, because it gives us beer geeks something to talk about - whether positive or negative!
And here's a comprehensive map of the breweries in the US that we sell, followed by a map of the US comprised of popular breweries in each state.
October 31 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - October 31 2012
Enter Armageddon. The new "biggest beer" in the world of behemoth brews.
Crafted by Scottish Brewery Brewmeister, Armageddon weighs in at a hefty 65% Alcohol By Volume, topping the previous leader by 5%.
According to the brewer, Armageddon is "slightly sweet, hoppy, malty and retains much of the yeast present during fermentation".
Gimmick? Maybe. Impressive? Yes.
The race to 100% is on!
October 30 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - October 30 2012
BBC recently reported that the folks at Oxford have been having a difficult
time decoding a written language called proto-Elamit found on ancient tablets.
But the one of the Oxford academics, Dr. Jacob Dahl, seems fairly certain about at
least one thing: they drank beer.
Studying the tablets from around 3000BC, academics were able to deduce that some people of this society consumed a diet largely composed of barley. That’s where the story takes a bit of a gloomy turn.
The reference of beer is in relation to the rations given to the lowest class - farm laborers. These workers were treated poorly; called “cattle with names.” They barely received enough food to stay above the starvation level and with what they did receive in rations, they were only able to prepare things like porridge and weak beer.
To pay respect to these workers who dealt with terrible conditions and undernourishment, we encourage you to enjoy a tasty brew this weekend.
October 17 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - October 17 2012
Until recently, any drinks containing less than 10% alcohol were regulated in the same matter as food and soft drinks.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered the new classification be put into effect in order to counter his country's alcohol consumption levels which are "already twice the critical level" according to the World Health Organization.
Beer has been marketed as a healthier alternative to vodka, causing beer sales to rise more than 40% in the past decade.
Here's to your classification, Russia! Будем здоровы!
Source: BBC News
October 05 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - October 05 2012
A document that addresses a question that has been eating away at us for decades has recently resurfaced. That question, of course, is,
"Is it okay to drink beer that has been exposed to high levels of radioactivity?"
In short, the answer is yes.
According to a 1957 U.S. government study called "The Effect of Nuclear Explosions on Commercially Packaged Beverages," after being exposed to an actual atomic explosion,
"These beverages could be used as potable water sources for immediate emergency purposes as soon as the storage area is safe to enter after a nuclear explosion."August 27 2012
Maxwell Arndt
Written By Maxwell Arndt - August 27 2012
Ultra-modern furniture, meatballs, and now craft beer! That's the wonderful combination of products you can look forward to enjoying if you live in the UK and shop at IKEA. The furniture-turned beer producer has two new offerings: Öl Ljus Light Lager and Öl Mörk Dark Lager.
If this beer ever makes it to the US, we'd bet our bar tab that plenty of beer geeks would drink it while assembling their Björkudden.